Math and Science

This blog will inform you of the activities of the Math and Science classes taught by Mrs. Rasmussen.

Friday, December 18, 2009


You have to see this! There is a cryptography project by Andrew Mueller on youtube that is a must see. Go to Youtube and search Learning Cryptography with Andrew. It is about a 10 minute video on what Andrew learned about cryptography, the art of writing and solving codes.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Physics students are wrapping up the semester with the study of angular and tangential velocities. Here students designed centripetal force apparatus. As the weight on the end of the string increased, they had to increase the speed of the stopper to maintain a constant radius. They timed 30 revolutions and measured the radius. From this information they could analyze the circular motion and compare angular velocity with linear velocity. Patrick Kelly was the king of all twirlers! :D

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Chryptography is the topic for a mini unit in Geometry. Students are taking on the role of a secret agent and transmitting secret messages to their partner. All this fun also involves learning how to multiply matrices using a coding matrix, finding the inverse of a matrix, and decoding their secret message.


Students are now studying covalent bonds and an introduction to organic chemistry. Their lab this week was to build several organic compounds. When done with the required models, students asked to do more, so they were given some challenge molecules to build and many were very successful in building and identifying the benzene ring, cyclohexane, ethanol, and dimethyl ether. Very fun and exciting for the teacher!


Statistics students are now collecting data for their final project. They will be analyzing this data and applying nearly everything they have learned this semester. They will be doing mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, frequency distribution, many kinds of charts, random sampling, confidence intervals, error, and many more. As they progress, you will be informed of their results.