Math and Science

This blog will inform you of the activities of the Math and Science classes taught by Mrs. Rasmussen.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Chemistry end of year

Chemistry ended the year studying acids and bases.  They made a set of standards which enabled them to determine the identity of an unknown acid.  They also analyzed the neutralizing capability of an antacid tablet.  Finally we made original hand cream and had a test trial to see which hand cream was the best (texture, smoothness, smell, etc.) and some groups made a rainbow based on density of sugar solutions.

Identifying an unknown acid

Analyzing an antacid tablet

Hand Cream


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Landscape projects by Algebra 2

Landscape Projects by Algebra 2 students.  They used to create a scale drawing of their project.  They also did keynote presentations complete with a graph paper scale drawing and an itemized price list of items in their design.

City park design

Front of school design: fountain has horses in it!

This design is for the old trailer court on the west edge of Newell and was created on SketchUp.

Another design for a back yard.

3-D graphing in Calculus

This sphere was created on Grapher which is part of the Mac OS X bundle from Apple. It can be manipulate and rotated.
This is a hyperboloid of one sheet also done on Grapher.  We did several other graphs such as an ellipsoid, a hyperboloid of 2 sheets, an elliptic cone, an elliptic paraboloid, and a hyperboloid paraboloid.